Beware of the Dream Killers in Your Midsts
By Youssef Chaz Chronic
The year was 2001 and I was a few weeks away from graduating high school when myself and a few other students got invited to one of the teacher’s houses for a little celebration. It was one of those final sendoff parties before each of us would embark on our college journeys.
In high school, I was a pretty shy kid and you wouldn’t necessarily know it by my dorky appearance, but I was a huge rock and punk music fan. AC/DC, Guns n Roses, The Red Chili Peppers, Green Day, The Misfits, and NOFX. Their songs were on constant rotation in my head, and anything band-related was the only thing I ever thought about. And sex. Music and sex were the only things on my mind at that age.
While many of my classmates during this time talked about which colleges they had gotten into, and what they would be majoring in, I instead daydreamed all day about playing guitar in a band. I didn’t care about going to college. College, for me, was just something my parents wanted me to do.
Despite a clear lack of interest, as well as any real effort on my part - my SAT scores were terrible and my grades were very mediocre - I still managed to get accepted into two colleges: Syracuse University in upstate New York, and Drew University in New Jersey. I ended up going to the latter.
At this party I was happy to see that one of the “cool” teachers was present. He was very popular, always shooting the shit and joking around with students in the hallways in between classes. Apparently his classes were fun as well, but I never took a class with him so I wouldn’t know. He was the quintessential “cool” teacher… you know? I decided to get to know him when I heard from a classmate that he also liked punk music. When I began speaking to him I learned that he saw the Misfits live back in the day with Glen Danzig. That won him Kudo points in my book!
We became friends and would trade CDs. Through him, I discovered the awesomeness that is the Ramones. The original punk band - according to many people you ask. That discovery changed my life and made me want to be in bands even more. So it came as a surprise when I heard “Cool” teacher’s response when I told him of my true plans that I had for my life.
Hey Kid, I hear you wanna be in a band?
After spending time talking with a few classmates and drinking juice and eating snacks, “Cool” teacher, who was making the rounds touching base with all the students, stood next to me said “So, what are your plans for the future?”
Very excitedly I told him all about my real plans about not wanting to go to college. All I wanted to do, I told him, was to be in a band, tour in a van, and do nothing but play music in life. Surely a punk rock guy like him would understand. Wrong.
To my shock and surprise, he didn’t nod his head in contentment, approving of young grasshopper’s dreams for a life of punk rock and rock n roll, and then following it up with some encouraging words to get out there and follow my dreams and grab life by the horns! Instead, he looked at me with a wary eye and in a concerned tone said this: “BEING IN A BAND IS A VERY HARD THING TO DO, IT’S GOING TO BE VERY TOUGH, AND A FEW PEOPLE EVER MAKE IT, IT’s A HARD ROAD OUT THERE, SO I WOULD REALLY RECONSIDER YOUR CHOICE AND WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO, OK?”
I was shocked and could not believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. Wow. Betrayer. Snake in the grass. You weren’t punk rock all along “Cool” teacher...
I nodded my head and said “ok” and that was that. I didn’t talk to him for the rest of the party, and avoided him for the rest of high school, and since then I’ve not kept in touch. To his credit I want to say, he’s not wrong… Being in a band is not easy. I’ve been trying ever since graduating college and I’ve yet to be in a successful one. But despite all this, I think no one should ever discourage anyone who has dreams of a career in music or the arts.
Especially because what they don’t tell you is that it’s a very special kind of life, and it can also be pretty fucking awesome, and few people have the guts to live it. It’s a life of adventure, where you immerse yourself in the love of your craft and your mission. Musicians and artists have the potential to create things that inspire others - across generations, and potentially throughout centuries.
Encouragement goes a long ways. Young people should be encouraged. Often times it’s older folks who haven’t done it, or who failed themselves at the task, who try to dissuade the young. But the reality is that it’s not their lives, and everyone’s life is different. It could pan out, or it might not, but it’s up to the person to find out. Encouragement, strong belief in oneself, and persistence. That, combined with surrounding yourself with others who believe and who support you in your cause, will help you and give you strength to carry on in your journey.
“Cool” Teacher (in the crowd): “Being in a band is hard!”
Glenn Danzig: “Close your ears boy this one’s a QUACK!”